Epilepsy Action is a community of people committed to a better life for everyone affected by epilepsy. They work for high quality, accessible epilepsy healthcare services, so that people with epilepsy have the support they need to manage their condition. They work for wider awareness and understanding of epilepsy, so that people living with the condition are treated with fairness and respect.

Website: epilepsy.org.uk
Twitter:  epilepsyaction


Epilepsy Connections runs a variety of projects and services within the Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Forth Valley and Ayrshire & Arran Health Board areas, offering information, advice and support to people with epilepsy, their families, friends and carers and the professionals working with them.  They also provide training and education courses for anyone with a personal or professional interest in epilepsy.

Website: epilepsyconnections.org.uk
Twitter:  EpilepsyConnexn


Epilepsy Ireland’s vision it to achieve a society where no person's life is limited by epilepsy. They provide a range of services across the Country from headquarters in Dublin and via their regional offices in Cork, Dundalk, Galway, Kerry, Kilkenny, Letterkenny, Limerick, Sligo and Tullamore. They offer one-to-one support, training, regional support groups, and events and seminars, covering things like diagnosis, treatment, lifestyle, safety, SUDEP, driving, employment, and more.

Website: epilepsy.ie
Twitter: epilepsyireland


Epilepsy Research Institute UK serves as the central hub for the epilepsy research community. The Institute aims to strengthen the epilepsy research ecosystem by driving strategic investment and developing partnerships and collaborations between academia, the NHS, industry, funders, patient groups and people affected by epilepsy.  Central to all they do is a culture of advocating and actioning the research priorities of people affected by epilepsy. Their mission is to radically advance research into the causes, prevention and treatment of epilepsy and its associated conditions. As a research-focussed organisation, we do not lobby or campaign for epilepsy-related issues unless they are pertinent to an aspect of research.

Website: epilepsy-institute.org.uk
Twitter: EpilepsyInst


Epilepsy Society's vision is a full life for everyone affected by epilepsy - with a life – as free from seizures as possible. They set out to make a difference to every person affected by epilepsy whatever their background, however seriously it affects them, and whether they have the condition themselves or are close to someone with epilepsy. Their mission is to enhance the quality of life of people affected by epilepsy by promoting public awareness and education by undertaking research and by delivering specialist medical care and support services.

Website: epilepsysociety.org.uk
Twitter: epilepsysociety


HOPE London provides a safe space for families to socialise, reduce isolation, build relationships, share information, access support and guidance and most importantly for children to have some fun!

With the support of our volunteers, children are encouraged to explore the various facilities we have available. These include a soft play room, bouncy castle, craft tables, adapted playground with climbing frames, trikes, and various outdoor games.

Website: hopeforepilepsylondon.org.uk
Twitter:  HopeEpilepsyHopeEpilepsy


SUDEP Action is dedicated to raising awareness of epilepsy risks and tackling epilepsy deaths including Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. Services include bereavement support, counselling, help with understanding the inquest process and in collaboration with UK research teams, the involvement of bereaved families and professionals in research through the Epilepsy Deaths Register.

Website:  sudep.org
Twitter:  SudepAction

See the special issue publication covering the Prevent 21 Summit in Oxford here: here


The Mersey Region Epilepsy Association (MREA) is an independent charity working towards improving the quality of life for people with epilepsy and their families across Merseyside and Cheshire. For over 60 years, they have been providing a free and confidential community service that aims to give support and information on a personal basis. They have exciting plans for the future which will always be directed to support people with epilepsy.

Website:  epilepsymersey.org.uk
Twitter:  epilepsymersey


Young Epilepsy provides world class diagnosis, assessment and rehabilitation for children and young people with epilepsy. They also undertake research into the condition and how it can be treated.

Their unique blend of specialist services include a school, college and residential services, a range of support and information for parents, children and young people and training for professionals. 
Website:  youngepilepsy.org.uk
Twitter:  youngepilepsy


We are always updating our directory. If you know of any other credible, legally registered epilepsy organisations who could benefit from featuring on our website, contact us or introduce us here