How Epilepsy Sparks began
Torie has epilepsy
I had always been very open about my epilepsy. Then I had brain surgery and found myself shocked at the reactions of others when I told them about it.
They were very surprised and told me that I didn’t ‘look’ like a person with epilepsy.
I was told that I didn’t ‘look’ or ‘sound’ like I’d had part of my brain removed.
People were surprised to learn that I’d been on medications for most of my life and that I still needed to be!
Then (in addition!) I started working with others affected by epilepsy, I was surprised by how few people were educated regarding their own condition!
So in 2017, I decided to start an educational blog about epilepsy, which swiftly became Epilepsy Sparks; featuring people affected by epilepsy, neurological professionals, scientists, carers, and more!
Today, I speak at conferences around the world to bridge the gap between neuro professionals, scientists, patients, and that random person in the office.
I’m here to educate the masses for the benefit of those who are not able (or for whatever reason, willing) to speak for themselves, and indeed for the many millions around the world who have a diagnosis of epilepsy but don’t know much about it.
Torie Robinson
CEO: Epilepsy Sparks
Podcast Host: Epilepsy Sparks Insights
Keynote Speaker