Undiagnosed Day
Did you know that 350 million people live with an undiagnosed disease worldwide?! Sometimes these turn out to be rare epilepsies!

Neurodiagnostic week
Neurodiagnostics - think of diagnosing people with an epilepsy! This year’s neurodiagnostic week is all about advocacy! All of us - technologists, healthcare professionals, people with a diagnosis (or not - depending upon results) and their families……

National DNA Day
Heaps of epilepsies have a genetic factor!
National DNA Day commemorates the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the discovery of DNA's double helix in 1953.

World Laboratory Day
Let’s celebrate World Laboratory Day! Observed to celebrate labs in all their glorious forms — from hospital labs, to university labs, to industrial labs, and even to government and military-led labs! World Laboratory Day highlights how these controlled spaces have benefited mankind since times immemorial.

International Mother Earth Day
Did you know that climate change ☀️💨⛈️is causing many people with an epilepsy to have more seizures, cause seizures that are harder to stop, and, is even likely to cause more people to develop an epilepsy?

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week
Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, April 14-20, 2024, is an annual celebration of medical laboratory professionals and pathologists who play a vital role in epilepsy health care and patient advocacy!

World Autism Acceptance Week
World Laboratory Day, an April 23 holiday, celebrates the place where great discoveries, inventions, and medical treatments (and even, sometimes cures!) are made. This is where medical advances are made that help us to live healthier and longer lives. Hopes and excitement gathered from scientific labs helps keep those affected by the epilepsies, going!

Stress Awareness Month
We really appreciate the importance of stress management - because stress is a common seizure trigger! The theme #LittleByLittle for 2024 highlights the transformative impact of consistent, small positive actions on over-all wellbeing.