Fine-Tuning Life: A Guide to MicroRNAs, Your Genome's Master Regulators

ISBN-13 9781108842617, Jun 2024, Cambridge University Press

Author: David Henshall: Prof. of Molecular Physiology and Neuroscience at RCSI, Ireland.

Brief description:
Take a journey into the fascinating world of microRNA, the genome's master controllers. Discovered in 1993, our genome's master controllers are critical to the evolution of complex life, including humans. This captivating book tells their story, from their discovery and unique role in regulating protein levels to their practical applications in brain health and other branches of medicine. Written by a neuroscientist, it provides an in-depth look at what we know about microRNAs and how we came to know it. Explore the impact of these molecular conductors on your life and gain a new appreciation for the precision they bring to the molecular noise in our cells. Perfect for students of neuroscience, life sciences such as biochemistry and genetics, and the curious public alike, this is the captivating tale of the conductors of life's molecular orchestra.

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Learn more about the book on the Epilepsy Sparks Insights podcast, here.

  • David Henshall is Prof. of Molecular Physiology and Neuroscience at RCSI and Director of the SFI FutureNeuro Research Centre. He founded Ireland’s first experimental epilepsy laboratory and pioneered microRNA therapeutics for the treatment of seizure disorders. His lab specialises in mouse models, the analysis of human samples, RNA sequencing and pharmacological approaches. His contributions to FutureNeuro include Wellcome funding, EU MSCA fellows, IP creation and licensing to industry, industry partners (Roche, Neumirna) and translation of research to clinical trials. 

    David's research focus is on the causes and treatment of the neurological condition epilepsy. Some of his major research projects are examining the patho-mechanisms underlying epilepsy development following brain injury, in particular the role of epigenetics and non-coding RNAs and using the discoveries to develop new therapies for epilepsy and exploring for this disease.

    David has authored over 250 original articles and book chapters. He is author of the book Fine-Tuning Life: A guide to microRNAs, your genome's master regulators (Cambridge University Press, 2024). 

    He is the Chair of the International League Against Epilepsy's Neurobiology Commission and a Benchmark Steward for the National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. He coordinated the European FP7 large-scale collaborative project EpimiRNA (2013-2018) and co-organised the international conferences EpiXchange I and II, which brought together Europe’s major epilepsy research projects. 

    LinkedIn: david-c-henshall


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