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PRISM (Personal, Real world Insights into Seizure Monitoring)


PRISM (Personal, Real world Insights into Seizure Monitoring)
UK only

What are our aims with PRISM?

PRISM is an epilepsy research project focused on having EEGs at home that are cool, involving a device that is easy to use, and which provides the information needed by clinicians!

We are working closely with People With an Epilepsy (PWE), their Carers, and their Clinicians, to figure out how we can collect the data needed to learn more about a person’s individual epilepsy (to improve treatment and care) - and to figure out even if it is an epilepsy (could someone be having Functional Seizures, be fainting, having an anxiety attack instead - or in addition?!).

In our adult cohort/group of people, we have people of varying sexes, ethnicities, races, locations, cultures, including people with intellectual disability, autism, and movement disorders, including parents, carers, and of course; people with a diagnosis of an epilepsy.

If you’re a PWE, carer, or clinician who’d like to learn more/take part, please contact us here!

21 August

The Epilepsy Society’s research

1 October

Global Epilepsy Needs Study