Living with HH - a Rare Epilepsy
It is estimated that 1 in around 200,000 people is born with a hypothalamic hamartoma (HH), an epileptogenic lesion attached to the hypothalamus. However, HH syndrome is so rare
Epilepsy - A Part of Me
I was 7 years old when I first had a seizure in school. My doctors told me that this didn’t always mean that a person had epilepsy, but, after having a cluster of 3 seizures just after lunch one day, I went on to have an EEG and MRI, the results of which led to my doctors diagnosing me with epilepsy. They diagnosed me with a rare form of Reflex epilepsy known as Eating Epilepsy.
Sleep Disruption in Childhood Epilepsy
Sleep and epilepsy have a strong and bidirectional association. Sleep disturbances are commonly experienced by children with epilepsy and can be due to multiple factors. These include seizures, which can disrupt the continuity of sleep, and lead to daytime sleepiness